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Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Galaxy At War: World At Ransom, Chapter 17

Rifloroshon, MK2 Galaxy
16 January, 2006, 0027 hours (Earth time)

   The Bane smirked as he drew his bloody blade from Darks chest, expecting Darks to fall dead on the ground. To the Bane's surprise and shock, Darks grinned wickedly as his wound closed. Reigniting his lightsaber, Darks struck at the Bane, who was still recovering from his shock. Calling upon his enhanced reflexes, the Bane avoided the stroke by jumping backwards.

  "I still remembered the day I killed your parents." The Bane snickered as he leaped away, heading in the direction of the hologram transmissions center.

  The Bane's words triggered a flashback: The three brothers on Argaski on the day of the Devastation of Argaski. They and their parents were helping the Argaskian citizens onto the Republic ships to escape the impending nuclear explosion that would wipe out all life on the planet. Then, the Bane appeared with his two swords. Darks' parents herded the three brothers onto the ships and engaged the Bane. Although their parents were of the legendary-but-now-extinct Sukor Order, they were no match for the Bane's skills. As the ships took off, the three brothers could only helplessly watch as their parents fell under the blades of the Bane. (The Bane killed all the members of the Sukor Order. That is why he was called the Bane of Sukor. His actual name is not known)

  Darks took off after the Bane, hoping to avenge the deaths of his parents and the fallen members of the Sukor Order. He had waited thousands of years for this moment...

Airspace over Brazil, Earth
16 January, 2006, 0027 hours

  Just when Darks was chasing the Bane billions of lightyears away, the Payload flew through the stormy night over Brazil. Just the day before, the agents had tracked a transmission to a part of the Amazon Forest in Brazilian territory. Both SAS soldiers and agents were ready for the parachute drop that would take them within two kilometers of the second missile facility. Eusebio would not join them, but would drop somewhere else to distract the guards and Lemai.

  The ramp descended into the dark, rainy night. Rain pelted the ramp, lightning flashed and thunder roared in the ears of the agents and the soldiers. They hopped off the ramp into the dark night, parachutes ready for opening.

  Eusebio sat at his seat in the hangar of the Payload, waiting for his cue. As he stared into the night, he wondered how things were going in his home-galaxy.

Rifloroshon, , MK2 Galaxy
16 January, 2006, 0034 hours (Earth time)

  Darks had chased the Bane to the hologram transmissions center. He had caught up with the Bane in the transmissions room and a fierce battle ensued. The Bane battled for survival while Darks battled for vengeance and for the fact that Dorzen could not be contacted if the Bane succeeded.

  Sparks flew as lightsaber clashed against steel (The Bane had imbued his swords with his power so that a lightsaber could not cut through it).

  The Bane sweeped his sword along the floor, hoping to trip Darks. Jumping up, Darks brought his lightsaber on the Bane's hand in one lightning-fast movement, severing it. Yelping with pain, the Bane retreated, his one other sword in his remaining hand.

  "I will cut you to pieces for everything you have ever done, Bane." Darks snarled as he snapped the Bane's dropped sword.

  The Bane growled back in his native language.

  "Acting tough, eh? I'll show what 'tough' means!" Darks sneered as he charged.

  The Bane used his remaining sword to stop Darks' blade, but since Darks had the advantage of strength, the lightsaber drew closer to the Bane's neck with every passing moment. Knowing that he would die if he continued, the Bane rolled to the side, planning to stab Darks through the chest, just as he did before.

  This time, Darks was ready. As the Bane rolled to his left, Darks ducked, letting the Bane's sword stab the air above him. Roaring, Darks reached for the Bane's neck, enclosing his fingers around the reptilian scales of his enemy's neck. (The Bane was a Potigian, a reptilian -like species from the planet of Potigi. Potigians had an exceptionally long lifespan, which would explain how the Bane could live for thousands of years.)

  Using his free hand to knock the Bane's sword away, Darks slammed him into the nearby wall.

  "Mercy!" The Bane wheezed.

  "No. My parents pleaded with you for mercy, as with the members of the Sukor Order. Did you show mercy? No! That's why you must die." Darks tightened his grip.

  "Please!" The Bane pleaded again.

  "Why should I spare you?!"

  "Your parents are alive!"

  "What! That's impossible! They are not immortal and even if they survived, they would be dead by now!" Darks lessened his grip.

  This was the moment the Bane was waiting for. He drew a dagger from his armor and plunged it into the place where he thought Darks' heart was.

  Darks grunted and staggered backwards as the Bane's face twisted into a grin. Pulling the knife out of his chest, Darks glowered at the Bane whose pleasure turned into fear.

  "You must know, Bane. I have no heart!" Darks reignited his lightsaber and ran the Bane through.

  Darks turned and started in the direction of his ship, leaving the Bane's body slumped beside the door.

  As he walked towards his ship, Darks couldn't help thinking about what the Bane said about his parents being alive. Even though the Bane used that statement to distract Darks, the question still rang, "Are they still alive?"

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