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Thursday, May 17, 2012

Galaxy At War: World At Ransom, Chapter 18

Amazon Forest, Brazil
16 January, 2006, 0034 hours

  Eusebio/Dorzen brushed aside the undergrowth of the tropical rainforest. He was drenched by the torrents of rain that pelted him ceaselessly.

  Gunfire suddenly broke out and Eusebio dodged the bullets, taking cover behind a tree. (His agent training gave him the habit of dodging bullets even though he knew he was impervious to them.)

  Unslinging his HK-416, Eusebio jumped from the cover of the tree and fired a burst of bullets at his unknown attacker.

  To Eusebio's surprise, his assailant drew a yellow-bladed lightsaber and deflected all the bullets.

  "The almighty Dorzen. Reduced to a gun-firing maniac," The figure snickered.

  "Oduric. How nice of you to come by," Eusebio slung his HK-416 back. "How did the Council of Light go? And how did you get that gun? Now who's the gun-maniac?"

  Oduric was the Grand Master of the Razoka Order, one of the orders of light.

  "Darks was sent to kill the Bane on Rifloroshon in order to stop him from destroying the hologram center. Heh! During Westura dueled Zurok and Mutallaca nearly drew lightsabers with Darks during the meeting. Regarding the gun, I stole it," Oduric smiled as he sat on a tree root.

  Oduric was a Nanoshan, a near-human species that also lived on Argaski. Nanoshans were faster, stronger, and wiser than any human. They also had an indefinite lifespan, only dying when killed. Diseases could not touch them.

  "Westura! Mutallaca!" Eusebio spat. "Those two have been trouble. I must go back and put them in their place. In any case, I'm on a mission. I am supposed to recover the weapon from the facility there. Westura and Mutallaca will have to wait."

  "Can I join you?" Orudic asked. "I did not take so much trouble to come here just to inform you of the happenings in our galaxy."

  "Sure. Your presence is appreciated," Eusebio set off for the direction of the facility.

Amazon Forest, Brazil
16 January, 2006, 0037 hours

  The agents and the soldiers had already bypassed the gate. Brandishing his fierce-looking Tavor, David sneaked towards the main entrance door of the facility.

  Without warning, alarms sounded. David's heart was in his mouth as he looked around frantically for guards, signaling for the men to take cover and hide.

  Surveying the area with bated breath, David finally relaxed as he observed the guards moving to the opposite side of the facility. Eusebio had arrived.

  Lightsabers whirled as they cut through flesh and bone. Both Eusebio and Oduric were going on a rampage through the hordes of guards. This distraction enabled the agents and the soldiers to enter the main building of the facility undetected.

  The knife blade flashed as Collin dispatched a lone guard. After hiding the body, the men continued on, guns primed for attack.

  In the opposite side of the facility, the air sizzled and hummed. Bullets flew and lightsabers whirred. Oduric and Eusebio lightsaber's were slashing around so fast that the lightsabers appeared to be solid shapes in the air. Guards were being annihilated, but the surviving guards in the area kept pushing forward, trying to expose a gap in the Republic Peacekeepers' defence. (The term "Republic Peacekeeper" referred to any member of the Orders of Light.) Alas, the duo were much more powerful and used their powers to kill those who got too near their weapons of death.

Trayos Academy, Argaski
16 January, 2006, 0045 hours

  Argaski had somewhat recovered fully from the colossal nuclear explosion that happened thousands of years earlier. The planet became the headquarters of the Trayos Order once reconstruction works were finalized. Located in the outer area of the galaxy, the planet's actual coordinates were only known to a few outside the Trayos Order.

  However, the largest and most famous building was the Trayos Citadel. Situated deep into the Mormoth Mountains, it made it very difficult to attack head-on. It was in fact, a mega-city. It consisted of many underground levels, high levels above ground, and towering towers. The most striking feature of this massive fortress was the Great Tower, looming over the mountains and dwarfing the other towers. The citadel also contained the Trayos Library, a gigantic library that housed many records of the order's history and many others.

  Zurok and Darks stood at the top of the Great Tower, looking out into the land spread out before them. Suddenly...

  "Masters! We have just intercepted a transmission from the Dark Brotherhood!" A Trayos Knight rushed into the room, panting.

  "What is it?" Zurok turned.

  "A team of Dark Brotherhood assassins have been sent to Earth to intercept Masters Dorzen and Oduric!"

Missile Facility, Amazon Forest, Brazil
16 January, 2006, 0047 hours

  Dorzen and Oduric sauntered into the main hall of the missile facility, smiling. Without warning, more than a hundred Dark Brotherhood members materialized out of thin air. All were brandishing weapons ranging from lightstaffs, lightsabers, enchanted swords, throwing stars, daggers, blasters, lightclaws, etc.

  "Just when we thought we were already reaching out goal..." Oduric ignited his lightsaber.

  "Nah. This is just a minor delay." Eusebio scoffed.

  The two Republic Peacekeepers stood their ground as the assassins, with a bloody war cry arising from their lips, swooped down upon them...

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