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Monday, May 14, 2012

Galaxy At War: World At Ransom, Chapter 16

Off the planet of Sholom, MK2 Galaxy
14 January, 2006, 1256 hours (Earth time)

  Zurok stood at the bridge of his flagship, the Saber, looking darkly at the planet below. Zurok was around the same height as Dorzen, with piercing blue eyes and an angular chin. Younger than Dorzen by 3 years, Zurok was the second-born. (With Darks being the youngest.) He was clad in black body armor. (Although the three brothers were immortal and invulnerable, they simply wore body armor for the "war" feel. )

  Zurok's lips curled into a smile as he saw the tide of the battle turn against the Rebels. If the Republic managed to recapture Sholom, a great blow would be done to the Rebellion. Sholom was the major manufacturing center of the Rebellion's ships. Without it, the Rebel fleet would have to shift operations somewhere else, a process that would take months. Before then, the Rebel fleet was crippled.

  "General, General Dorzen wants to have a word with you." One of the soldiers reported.

  "Process the transmission. See to it that no one comes in the door during our conversation." Zurok continued to face the planet.

  "Yes sir!"

  Zurok turned and flipped a switch on the hologram device. Almost immediately, the hologram of Dorzen appeared.

  "Well, Zurok. How have you been? What's the current situation?" Dorzen/Eusebio asked.

  "Brother. Its been quite some time since we last communicated. Yes, I'm fine. We are now besieging Sholom and we are winning." Zurok smiled slightly. "How's the search for the weapon been going?"

  "We nearly got it at Korstovok. That coward of a Lemai had to fight with me and lose before finally escaping with it. Blast him to hell. But how's Darks?" Dorzen's frustration was evident.

  "He's well. On a mission to eliminate some Somer spies. Those idiots have been giving us a lot of trouble recently." Zurok frowned.

  "At the next Council of Light, I want you to give the progress of the recovery of the weapon. Do not reveal too much, though. I don't entirely trust some of the other orders' Grand Masters." Dorzen narrowed his eyes.

  "I understand, brother. I share the same sentiments too." Zurok added, "We do not know the intentions of some of the other Grand Masters."

  "Alright, it's time for me to go. I'll contact you when I can. Farewell, Zurok."

  "Farewell, brother."

Council Building, Halgyon, MK2 Galaxy
21 January, 2006, 1034 hours (Earth time)

  "Acting Grand Master Zurok, could you give us information on your brother's search for the weapon?" Westura, Grand Master of the Vestora Order, sneered, saying "Acting" with a bit of disgust.

  Zurok ignored the rude comment and started, "Grand Masters of the Council of Light, as you all know, Dorzen, Grand Master of the Trayos Order, is away trying to destroy or recover the weapon and has appointed me Grand Master in his absence. Dorzen managed to track the weapon and nearly got it, but it slipped from his grasp."

  "How unfortunate! The mighty Dorzen letting something slip from his grasp!" Westura curled his lips in a smile.

  Biting his lip, Zurok growled, "Lemai was there."

  The whole council was shocked. "Lemai! How did he get to Earth and what does he want there?" Iodira, Grand Master of the Lothoa Order, gasped.

  "According to Dorzen, Lemai wants to test the weapon on the human race on Earth before unleashing it on our galaxy." Zurok announced, voice thundering over the voices of the discussing Grand Masters.

  "Can you trust your brother? He has had a history of lying." Westura jibed.

  This time, Zurok glared at Westura and retorted, "Grand Master Westura. I understand you have a history of misunderstanding with my brother. However, I hope that would not cloud your judgement in this meeting, which is of utmost importance and reserves no space for stinging remarks!"

  Westura shot up from his chair, knocking it down. His face was beetroot red and he was evidently offended by Zurok's remarks. He yelled, "Zurok! How dare you insult my wisdom and judgement! You know very well how wise I am! I never let my temper get the better of me!"

  The other Grand Masters were taken aback by Westura's outburst and turned their heads to look at Zurok, trying to anticipate his next action.

  Zurok's face remained emotionless as ever as he boomed, "Grand Master Westura. I apologize for my previous remark, but wasn't your first remark as insulting? Your wisdom should tell you that losing your temper in the middle of an important meeting such as this is something that reflects very badly on your character. Besides, didn't you just lose your temper?"

  Westura calmed down but his hand strayed to his lightsaber. "I, Master of the Qura fighting style challenge you to a lightsaber duel. Whoever submits will back down and will stay quiet throughout the entire meeting."

  Zurok smiled inwardly. He knew Westura's fighting style, but no one knew Zurok's. He knew what tactics Westura would use to trip his opponents. In fact, Zurok had trained for this moment.

  Pretending to scared, Zurok shook off his cloak and reached for his lightsaber. Westura ignited his and Zurok saw that it had a cyan blade. Igniting his orange-bladed lightsaber, Zurok waited as Westura circled him, lightsaber humming.

  Suddenly, Westura leaped forward and hit out at Zurok. Zurok expected this and parried the blow. Feinting to Westura's left, Zurok instead brought his lightsaber to his right and in a display of exceptional control, nicked the arm guard of Westure instead of cutting through it.

  Westura gasped but quickly resumed his attacks more viciously. Zurok blocked all of Westura's attacks successfully, much to the amazement of the other Grand Masters.

  Frustrated, Westura swung with all his might. Zurok dodged the blow and and clashed his lightsaber against Westura's. Flicking his lightsaber, Zurok disarmed Westura.

  "Do you surrender?" Zurok's face remained as stony as before.

  Westura hesitated and glanced at his lightsaber on the floor just two meters from him.

  Zurok looked at Westura's lightsaber, brought the tip of his lightsaber closer to Westura's face, and thundered even louder, "Do you surrender?"

  Westura gulped and finally croaked, "I submit!"

  The remainder of the meeting continued with Westura being silent. The Grand Masters discussed the war, the Dark Brotherhood, and many others. The Dark Brotherhood was the coalition of the dark orders that was currently fighting the Council of Light.

Babylon X, Australian Outback
21 January, 1123 hours

  "What do we do now, Eusebio?" David asked as he reached for his computer.

  "We just trace the transmissions. I'm going to my room, I need to be alone for a while." Eusebio got up from his chair and started for his room.

Council Building, Halgyon, MK2 Galaxy
14 January, 1125 hours, 2006 (Earth time)

  "But Darks is not up to the task!" Mutallaca, Grand Master of the Unior Order, stressed.

  Zurok had just proposed that Darks be sent to combat the threat on the world of Rifloroshon.  The Bane of Sukor had just arrived on the planet. The Bane of Sukor was one of the most powerful members of the Dark Brotherhood. Apparently his mission was to disrupt the hologram transmissions. If he succeeded, all contact with Dorzen would be gone.

  "You doubt my abilities?" Darks snarled from behind his black hood. Darks had stayed silent throughout the meeting until now.

  "Of course! You are the most inexperienced of us all!" Mutallaca sneered.

  Bringing his fist down on the table, Darks seemed furious; but his voice was as cold as ice, "How old are you, Mutallaca?"

  "Humph! Definitely older than you." Mutallaca snorted.

  "I asked how old you are. Not whether you are older than me, Mutallaca." Darks growled.

  "About 400 years old. The Yerong species are one of the most long-lived races in the galaxy, human." Mutallaca gloated.

  "You are but a child to me, Mutallaca. My age is greater than all of your ages put together! I was before the Corduras Uprising! I was before the Devastation of Argaski, my homeworld! I, am immortal!" Darks clenched his fist. "How I longed for revenge on the Bane of Sukor for devastating my homeworld! He will die for killing my parents! Too bad they weren't immortal like their children. Nevertheless, the Bane must die!"

  "Huh! Age does not necessarily mean skill! I challenge you to a lightsaber duel!" Mutallaca leered. "You will know better than to insult the Master of the Lightstaff!"

  "Your youth betrays your immaturity, Mutallaca. Your actions will show the Dark Brotherhood that the Council of Light is divided. They will then exploit this weakness and bring us down." Darks stared at Mutallaca.

  "Stand down, Mutallaca! We shall have no more of this nonsense!" Oruna, Grand Master of the Nepis Order, yelled.

  Grunting, Mutallaca lowered his four arms and sat back down on his chair, scowling.

  "Looks like the issue has been solved. Darks will go to Rifloroshon." Zurok announced.

  "My pleasure, brother." Darks smiled.

Rifloroshon, MK2 Galaxy
16 January, 2006, 0023 hours (Earth time)

  Darks stepped over the body of a Rebel soldier, hood drawn and crimson-bladed lightsaber in his hand. Scanning the area with his sharp eyes, his eyes fell on the garrison of twenty Rebel troops heading towards him. Opening fire, the Rebels charged. Leaping into the air, Darks deflected the blaster bolts back at the soldiers, killing five. Landing in the midst of the soldiers, he plunged his lightsaber into the ground and discharged lightning from his hands. The lightning travelled down the lightsaber and spread in a sort of shockwave along the ground, killing the remaining soldiers.

  "You've improved." A voice sounded.

  "Everyone improves, Bane." Darks narrowed his eyes at the figure standing twenty meters from him.

  "It's too bad you have to die." The Bane smiled evilly as he drew two swords.

  "Die? If you say so..." Darks raised his lightsaber.

  Weapons clashed as the two foes fought. Darks fended off a killing blow from the Bane and struck back, knocking the Bane off-balance. Lunging at the Bane, Darks slashed downwards. The Bane rolled to the side and stabbed at Darks. Darks gasped as the blade passed through his body...

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