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Sunday, May 13, 2012

Galaxy At War: World At Ransom, Chapter 15

Missile Facility, Korstovok, Russia
14 January, 2006, 0013 hours

  A guard sprinted into the room, AK-47 ready. When his eyes finally adjusted to the darkness, he was appalled by the sight. All twenty guards in the room had been killed, all with a decapitating blow to the head. Treading cautiously to the fallen steel door, he did not hear the hum of the lightsaber. Nor did he see the person who sent him to his Maker.


  The agents and the SAS soldiers moved in from the smoking corridor, a trail of guards lying dead behind them. By that time, the alarm had already sounded, but the whole facility was in disarray. Men were frightened of the mysterious person that beheaded his enemies and the group of men that were falling their men like flies. Workers and guards fled, supposedly leaving the weapon unguarded and in the factory.

  Once both Eusebio, the agents, and the soldiers got to the room where the missile was held, a dark shadowy figure leapt down from the ceiling, obstructing their way. The agents and the soldiers opened fire, but the figure stopped their bullets and sent them back. The agents and the soldiers would have been dead if not for Eusebio. Stretching out his hand, he stopped the bullets and let them fall harmlessly to the floor. Turning his head towards the shape, he chuckled, "Lemai! Good to see you. I didn't expect you to come to this galaxy and try to destroy it with the weapon."

  "You don't know me, Dorzen. I want to see how this weapon would affect humans. Just another bit of information. I have more in reserve! Hahahaha!" Lemai cackled.

  "Stay back!" Eusebio ordered the agents and the soldiers. "He will kill you if you engage him."

  "DIE!!!" Lemai leapt at Eusebio, who back was turned to him.

  Fast as lightning, Eusebio/Dorzen whipped around and sent a slashing stroke at Lemai. Bringing up his lightsaber, Lemai successfully blocked the blow, but the force of it sent him cannoning into the wall.

  "Hmm...your technique still hasn't improved since our last duel." Eusebio taunted.

  "You!" Lemai's face reddened as he gripped his lightsaber.

  "Darks can beat you hands down." Eusebio smirked.

  "Raaarrgggghhhh!!!!" Lemai released a flood of dark energy at Eusebio.

  Eusebio opened his palm and absorbed the energy, saying, "You must know that black Somer Blasts are nothing compared to the strength of Trayos Lightning!"

  The Somer Order was just one of the dark orders fighting the Trayos Order and the orders of light. Lemai was one of the high-ranking members of the Somer Order while his cousins, Korm and Roshanojan were respectively Grand Master and Head Master of the Zorukas Order.

  Eusebio stretched out his right hand and loosed a torrent of lightning at Lemai. The lightning illuminated Lemai from within and hurled him across the room. Reigniting his lightsaber, Lemai managed to block the first few bolts of lightning from the second blast. However, he could not withstand the force of the lightning and he was pushed backwards against the wall, gritting his teeth with the effort.

  Jumping across the room, Eusebio brought his lightsaber down in a killing blow. Rolling to the side, Lemai just evaded the purple blade. Swinging his arm, Eusebio's fist connected with Lemai's face. Lemai spun in a circle before crumpling to the floor, his two front teeth missing.

  Growling, Lemai disappeared in a puff of smoke.

  Eusebio disengaged his lightsaber and turned to look and the container that supposed to contain the weapon.

  The container was not there.

  Lemai had taken it.

  The agents and soldiers half-expected Eusebio to go into a rage. He didn't. He simply walked out of the room and said, "Time to go home. We'll find him and the container. This time, we'll succeed."

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