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Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Galaxy At War: World At Ransom, Chapter 11

Red Army Inn, Moscow, Russia
26 December, 2005, 0734 hours

  Randy smiled as he hacked into all the hotel websites in Moscow. They should have the information regarding which visitor booked which room. He searched the name "Ivan Aleksandrovich Reznov" under the bookings section and sat back to relax while the computer searched and processed the information.

  Minutes later, the computer found a match. Randy sat up to look at the result: 03-32, Radisson Royal Hotel.

  "Whoa! Reznov sure has taste! The Radisson Royal Hotel is quite luxurious!" Allen raised his eyebrows. "Has he arrived yet?"

  " The booking starts from 11am onwards. Tell Eusebio to get to Moscow now. We will need to get away quick." Randy typed at the keys.

Volgograd, Russia
26 December, 2006, 0735 hours

  The Toyota Sequoia screeched as it took off on the road.

  "Hey! Drive normally! We don't want to be attracting any attention!" Paul scolded Wang.

  "No one's on the road! We need to get to Moscow as soon as possible!" Wang retorted.

  Soon, the field as in sight and they could see the Payload looming in front of them.

  "Lower the ramp, Ingrid! We're comin' up!" Eusebio said into his radio.

  "Sure thing, man!" Ingrid replied as he pushed the ramp lever.

  The SUV drove up the ramp. The ramp sealed the entrance as the plane lifted off, flying towards Moscow.

Red Army Inn, Moscow, Russia
26 December, 2005, 1023 hours

  The Sequoia screeched to a stop outside the Red Army Inn. Allen grinned as he looked out of the window and proceeded to help Eusebio and the rest with packing. The room beside Allen's team room was booked for Eusebio and his team.

  Randy brought his computer over to Eusebio's team room as Allen gave information regarding Reznov.

  "Randy here has hacked into all the hotel websites in Moscow to check the booking information. He found that Reznov has booked room 03-32 at the Radisson Royal Hotel. The booking starts from 11am."Allen briefed.

  "Are you positive that it really is Reznov? There are many Russians with the name of 'Reznov.'" Eusebio asked.

  "Yes. Ivan Aleksandrovich Reznov is the Reznov we are looking for. We have checked the details of this Reznov and it matches perfectly with the Reznov we are looking for. Name, date of birth, parents' names, etc." Allen insisted.

  "Okay then. Prepare your weapons and gear. We're going in at 1105 hours." Eusebio announced as he walked back to his team's room.

  The agents continued with their business of packing unaware that they were being watched by an unknown figure. Smiling, the figure strode into a McLaren F1, and hightailed into the direction of Radisson Royal Hotel.

Radisson Royal Hotel, Moscow, Russia
26 December, 2005, 1117 hours

  Guests at the hotel were taken aback when two cars, a Toyota Fortuner and Toyota Sequioa, rumbled into the taxi-stand. A total of six men came out of the cars (David and Randy had been left at the inn to observe the city using the hacked CCTVs while Wang and William were at the cars' wheels.). They were all dressed in black and wore glasses. Hidden in their jackets were scores of equipment and weaponry.

  "Guys, I got a visual. Two black Mercedes SUVs are headed towards the hotel.  The AF are here! Get Reznov out as quickly as possible! They will arrive in approximately 5 minutes. I have already informed Ingrid. He's activated the invisibility device and is hovering over the city." Randy's voice sounded in the agents' earpieces.

  The agents charged up the stairs to the third floor. When they finally located Room 03-23, they knocked on the door furiously.

  "Who's there?" A voice sounded, wary.

  "Room service!" Eusebio squeaked.

  The door opened and a man leaped out, embracing Eusebio. Caught by surprise, Eusebio just stood and gawked. When the man finally released his grip, Eusebio got a closer look at his features. It really was Reznov!

  "INDF agents! Hoho! It's been quite some time before I saw you guys. I knew you were coming." Reznov grinned. It turned out that Reznov was the guy who was observing the agents' activities.

  "Okay. No time for good feelings or greetings, old boy. We got 20 AF men on our tails and they're going to be here any minute! We have to get out of..." Before Eusebio could finish his sentence, a volley of bullets whizzed over his head. Bullets from a FX-05 rifle.

  The agents went into action. Eusebio whipped out both his MP9 and HK-416 and squeezed both triggers simultaneously. The results were instantaneous. Two AF men convulsed violently from the impact of the bullets and went down, dead.

  The other agents took cover behind anything they could find. Paul was hit in the shoulder, but he still continued firing both of his MP-7s.

  Reznov had indeed prepared for an encounter. Drawing out an AK-107 assault rifle, he unleashed a storm of bullets that fell five AF men.

  The agents formed a protective circle around Reznov and retreated to the other stairway, blasting two AF men who were in their way, out of the window. Seeing what the agents were trying to do, the AF men went down their stairs, trying to intercept the agents at the first floor.

  However, the agents already planned this in advanced. Breaking the stairway window, they attached ropes to the wall above the window outside. They subsequently grabbed the ropes and slid down into the open roofs of the Toyota Fortuner and Sequoia. Once everyone was safely in the cars, the ropes were retracted and the roofs of the SUVs were closed. Both Toyotas screeched out of the driveway, passing the Mercedes SUVs. By this time, the AF men had already reached the ground floor and opened fire at the Toyotas, at the same time getting into their Mercedes SUVs. The bullets couldn't penetrate the armour of the Toyotas and bounced off harmlessly onto the road. The Mercedes SUVs took off out of the driveway in pursuit of the Toyotas. The chase was on.

  Tires screeched and smoke filled the air as the four cars swerved and skidded, avoiding cars on the expressway.

  "Ingrid! Get the plane at the pick-up point! Ready the weapons systems and lower the ramp!" Eusebio yelled into his radio.

  "Got it!"

  Both Toyotas turned off the asphalt road onto a dusty dirt road, with their enemies in hot pursuit. The Sequoia, behind the Fortuner, was subject to most of the bullets from their disgruntled enemies. Although no harm was done to the car at all, the noise was making Wang very irritated.

  "That's it!" Wang roared as he punched a red button on the dashboard. Immediately, a RPG-32 rocket propelled grenade came out from the roof and launched a grenade at the first Mercedes.


  Ball of flame.

  Nonetheless, the second Mercedes remained unscathed and continued the chase. Winding down the window, Eusebio stuck his P90 out and fired a salvo of bullets at the tires of the Mercedes. With two of its tires punctured, the Mercedes slowed down considerably. However it still did not give up and persisted in its pursuit of the two Toyotas.

  Making a sharp turn to the right, the Toyotas turned into the field where the plane was supposed to be. There was no plane in sight! Nevertheless, Wang and William continued driving. Suddenly, the plane materialized in front of the Toyotas with its ramp extended. It was hidden by the invisibility device. The plane's flank turrets swiveled round and unleashed a thousand tracer rounds at the unfortunate Mercedes. The Mercedes was shot to pieces before exploding. There were no survivors.

  The moment the Toyotas entered the car hold, the ramp retracted and the Payload took off into the sky. Mission accomplished.

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