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Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Galaxy At War: World At Ransom, Chapter 20

Airspace over the Atlantic Ocean,
16 January, 2006, 0536 hours

  Eusebio/Dorzen glanced nervously at his watch. Seven hours before Lemai unleashed the weapon that will liquidate any form of life on Earth. It would take six hours before the Payload would finally reach Diederich Castle. One hour to save the Earth. Not a really promising situation to be in.

  David was at his computer, monitoring the world news, as well as hacking into any information site. It appears that the UN has not revealed this impending doom to the peoples of the world. However, the world leaders have already decided that Lemai would get his money. Recalling Eusebio's instructions, David hit a button on his keyboard and stopped the money transfer.

Diederich Castle, Somewhere near Bremen, Germany
16 January, 2006, 0537 hours

  "Sir! The transaction has stopped!" A German AF officer reported.

  "What! Contact the UN leaders and ask what is wrong!" Joseph Drescher thundered as he slammed his hand on his table. "Lemai will not be pleased!"


  Lemai nearly fell off his chair as Drescher burst into his room.

  "What is the meaning of this, Drescher?! No one enters without my permission!" Lemai barked.

  "Master! The transaction has been stopped!" Drescher bowed.

  "What the...! Get the UN! Ask what has happened!" Lemai ordered.

  "Master, I have already given orders for it to be done so. The Army of the Fallen will not back down so easily!"

  "Good. Now get out of here!" Lemai snapped.

  Once Drescher exited, Lemai sat back again. Everything was going according to plan. Dorzen was far away, nobody suspected that he did not intend to spare Earth, and he had an escape shuttle ready. Lemai smirked. Stupid stupid Drescher. He did not know that he was just Lemai's tool to destroy the INDF and fulfill his plans of the testing of the weapon. Promises of wealth and power were enough to make Drescher his loyal dog. The weapon would tie up all the loose ends...

Airspace over the Atlantic Ocean
16 January, 2006, 1101 hours

   The Payload bumped as it landed on the clearing in a forest about 1.9 kilometers from Diederich Castle. As usual, two Toyota SUVs shot down the ramp and in the direction of the castle. However, the only different thing was that dozens of alien ships streaked across the sky above them, with the same target. The Xanos had arrived. Revenge on the Dark Brotherhood was all they wanted.

  When they finally reached the main gate of the castle, the agents and soldiers took up positions behind some bushes while Eusebio and Oduric approached the gate.

  "Who goes there?" A guard called out.

  "That is of no importance. I demand an audience with Joseph Drescher!" Eusebio yelled.

  The guard refused. Suddenly, he fell choking to the ground and soon suffocated to death. Eusebio had telekinetically choked him to death.

  Looking at each other in apprehension, the remaining guards finally relented and radioed the security department.

  Ten minutes later, the enormous gate creaked as it swung open slowly. Drescher, with an entire company of guards, swaggered out. He smiled wickedly at Eusebio, "Eusebio. Senior agent of the now-defunct INDF. Coming to save the world and to seek revenge. I'm sorry, but you won't get the chance. Guards, fire!"

  Super-machine-gun fire exploded from the barrels of the AF guards accompanying Drescher. The HK G-11 assault rifles that they carried was one of the best assault rifles ever invented. It was the only gun complicated enough to contain a micro-processor and could fire at a blistering rate of 2300 rpm. If Eusebio and Oduric had been normal humans, they would have been mowed down instantly.

  Fortunately, they were not.

  The bullets barely came to a few centimeters before stopping abruptly in midair. Eusebio smirked as he let the bullets drop to the floor with a clinking sound. This was the signal.

  The Xanos, agents, and SAS soldiers all burst from the surrounding bushes and unleashed a storm of bullets and blaster bolts at the unfortunate guards. The guards were already dead before their bodies even hit the floor.

  Drescher had not even moved before Eusebio caught him in a chokehold. Cowering with fear, Drescher blubbered and stammered, which only served to irritate Eusebio even more.

  "Shut up! I want to know where Lemai is! Don't worry, I won't kill you. But I will deal with you later!" Eusebio growled.

  Drescher still refused to talk, so Eusebio threw him onto the the ground in disgust. Ordering the Xanos, Oduric, and some of the agents to guard Drescher, Eusebio took the remainder of the forces and entered the gloomy Diederich Castle.

  Before they reached the main hold of the castle, Eusebio heard a roaring sound that filled the air. Suddenly his earpiece burst into life, "Sir! I think Lemai knows you are coming! He has launched the missile in advance!"

  Eusebio did some calculations in his head. They had just ten minutes to get to control center and deactivate the missile, excluding fighting Lemai and whatever soldiers that were left in the castle.

  Gunfire suddenly broke out at the end of the corridor. A company of guards had arrived. What was worse was that a huge metal door was quickly closing off the passageway. The men had to move fast.

  The agents and SAS soldiers returned fire as they ran toward the door, hoping to get pass in time. However, they had to take cover behind the pillars to avoid getting shot.

  The door was already halfway down and the men still had another good 30 meters to run. Eusebio's heart sank. There was not enough time if they were going to progress like this!

  Kicking his mind into action, Eusebio racked his brains for alternatives. Without warning, William shouted a war cry and charged the guards, gun blazing. It was suicide. A sacrifice that distracted the guards, enabling the rest of the men to get pass the door.

  "Noooooo! Will!" Eusebio screamed. The rest of the men had already started running towards the door. Knowing that William's sacrifice would have been in vain if he did not get to the door and deactivate the missile in time, Eusebio dived from his cover and made towards the door. He heard the sound of gunfire that would end his friend's life. He heard the sound of William's body hitting the floor. He heard William's last words, "RUN!" Tears streaming down his cheeks, Eusebio half-stumbled, half-ran towards the door.

  Leaping under the closing gap between the door and the floor, Eusebio had finally made it into the next passageway that led to the control center. Wiping away his tears, Eusebio hardened his expression, "Men! Do not mourn for William now during the time of war. We can do that after this mission is over. We must ensure that William's sacrifice was not in vain! We must complete this mission!"

  Lemai smiled a twisted smile as Eusebio burst into the control center. "Dorzen! How nice of you to come by? You want to save this tiny planet. Hahaha! It's too late! I've already launched the missile!"

  Eusebio said nothing, but drew his lightsaber and charged Lemai. Igniting his lightsaber, Lemai parried Eusebio's blow, but was knocked a few meters backwards by the impact of the assault. Leaping up, Lemai swung a vicious blow at Eusebio's neck. Eusebio ducked and unleashed a brutal kick, sending Lemai flying into the wall.

  Eusebio glanced at his watch. Only 1 minute remaining before life on Earth was eradicated.  He hastened toward the deactivate button on the console, but Lemai smashed him backwards by telekinetically sending a huge chunk of concrete into Eusebio, making him crash into the nearby wall.

  The chunk of concrete trapped Eusebio against the wall, leaving him with nowhere to go. Lemai laughed evilly as the seconds ticked down. Only 20 seconds remaining.

  The chunk of concrete shattered into a thousand pieces and Eusebio sprang towards Lemai, lightsaber ready. Deflecting Lemai's slash, Eusebio punched Lemai's face. Recovering quickly, Lemai locked lightsabers with Eusebio, still cackling like a madman. The screen read, "10 seconds to detonation."

  Eusebio fended off a blow from Lemai and countered, only to be stopped by Lemai. 9... 8... 7... Both fighters got into a lightsaber lock again. 5... 4... 3... At 2 seconds, Eusebio kicked Lemai away and slammed the button. "0.05 seconds. Detonation cancelled. Missile self-destruct."

  Eusebio sighed with relief as he read the screen. The mission was over. The Earth had been saved.

  Lemai's lightsaber hummed as it plunged through Eusebio's chest.

  "Hahahahahaha! You may have won the day, but I have finally gained the ultimate victory by killing the mighty Dorzen!" Lemai chuckled as he drew his lightsaber out of Eusebio's body.

  Slowly turning around, Eusebio smiled. "Lemai, you must know..."

  Lemai gasped as Eusebio's lightsaber ignited through his chest.

  "...that I cannot be killed."

  Eusebio trudged out of the control center as Lemai's body crumpled to the floor.

  "Lay the charges, boys! Mission accomplished!" Eusebio spoke into his microphone.

  "Roger that, Eusebio!"

  When the men had finally regrouped with the Xanos and the rest of the agents outside the castle, Eusebio pressed a button on a console. With a tremendous "boom", Diederich Castle exploded from the inside, sending huge blocks of stone flying into the air. As the blocks crashed back on earth, David smiled, "Diederich Castle is no more. The INDF has been partly avenged."

  With smiles and cheers, the coalition of agents, SAS soldiers, and the Xanos strode back to their respective aircraft and took off into the night...


The band of men threw a massive celebration when they arrived back at Babylon X. 

Eusebio/Dorzen, Oduric, and the Xanos said good-bye to the men as they travelled back to the MK2 Galaxy.

David, the remaining agents, and the SAS soldiers formed a new INDF and restored it to its former glory. Drescher was executed for war crimes against humanity and his name was as hated as "Adolf Hitler." 

                                                                             The End

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