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Monday, May 7, 2012

Galaxy At War: World At Ransom, Chapter 13

Akari, Dushabe (A planet in the MK2 Galaxy)
30123 BC (Earth time. The MK2 Galaxy is in a different timezone, being billions and trillions of light-years away from the Milky Way Galaxy.)

  Dorzen strode towards the smoking mass of rubble that had once been a magnificent building. In fact, the planet of Dushabe was now black and from outer space, you could see huge fires burning on the surface of the planet. The Republic fleet had just commenced Order Burnout, a bombardment of a planet's surface that would engulf it in flames. Two weeks had passed since the bombardment and Dorzen had landed on Akari, the planet's capital, to deal with the remaining survivors. He approached the building, bent on destroying the deadly biological weapon hidden in the center of the building. Although he was invulnerable to the effects of the weapon, Dorzen did not want the weapon to kill millions or even billions of innocent people. It had to be destroyed.

  Suddenly a black-bladed lightsaber ignited and a cloaked figure emerged from the shadows.

  "Sssss. Dorzen. How nice to see you again." The figure hissed.

  "Well, I think I feel the opposite, Morgos." Dorzen rolled his eyes before unleashing a blast of energy that sent Morgos crashing through three walls.

  Morgos again ignited his lightsaber before charging towards Dorzen, roaring with pain and hatred. Dorzen's purple-bladed lightsaber went up to meet Morgos's onslaught.

  Zzzzzzzz! The lightsabers clashed. Whipping around, Morgos delivered a striking blow aimed at Dorzen's neck, but Dorzen was too fast. Leaping backwards, Dorzen sliced through Morgos's arm. Yelping with pain, Morgos fled into the fallen structure with Dorzen hot on his heels. Finally, Morgos reached the area where the biological weapon was held. He punched a combination of buttons and watched with evil glee as the container containing the weapon blasted off into space.

  Dorzen arrived just in time to see the container flying off towards space. His heart sank. He now would have to spend a very long time to trace that container. A very long time. Glaring at the cackling Morgos, he unleashed a powerful blast of yellow lightning from his fingertips. The force of the lightning crashed Morgos through the six-meter wall of the inner facility. Severely weakened, wounded, and dying, Morgos could only watch helplessly as Dorzen lifted his lightsaber and struck downwards. Morgos saw no more.

  Back on his flagship, Justice, Dorzen gritted his teeth in frustration. They had to find the container in billions of different galaxies. It would take eons.

  Finally, after five thousand years of searching, Dorzen had successfully traced the container to...Earth. Teleporting to Earth, Dorzen assumed the identity of a man. That man: Jose Eusebio Luis Diogo Azevedo.

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